1 A false balance is an abomination to the LORD; but a true weight pleaseth him.
2 Where pride is, there is shame also and confusion; but whereas is lowliness, there is wisdom.
3 The innocent dealing of the just shall lead them; but the unfaithfulness of the despisers shall be their own destruction.
4 Riches help not in the day of vengeance; but righteousness delivereth from death.
5 The righteousness of the innocent ordereth his way; but the ungodly shall fall in his own wickedness.
6 The righteousness of the just shall deliver them; but the despisers shall be taken in their own ungodliness.
7 When an ungodly man dieth, his hope is gone; the confidence of riches shall perish.
8 The righteous shall be delivered out of trouble; and the ungodly shall come in his stead.
9 Through the mouth of the dissembler is his neighbour destroyed; but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
10 When it goeth well with the righteous, the city is merry; and when the ungodly perish, there is gladness.
11 When the just are in wealth, the city prospereth; but when the ungodly have the rule, it decayeth.
12 A fool bringeth up a slander of his neighbour; but a wise man will keep it secret.
13 A dissembling person will discover privy things; but he that is of a faithful heart, will keep counsel.
14 Where no good counsel is, there the people decay; but whereas are many that can give counsel, there is wealth.
15 He that is surety for a stranger, hurteth himself; but he that meddleth not with suretyship, is sure.
16 A gracious woman maintaineth honesty; as for the mighty, they maintain riches.
17 He that hath a gentle liberal stomach is merciful; but whoso hurteth his neighbour, is a tyrant.
18 The labour of the ungodly prospereth not; but he that showeth righteousness, shall receive a sure reward.
19 Like as righteousness bringeth life; even so to cleave unto evil, bringeth death.
20 The LORD abhorreth a fained heart; but he hath pleasure in them that are undefiled.
21 It shall not help the wicked, though they lay all their hands together; but the seed of the righteous shall be preserved.
22 A fair woman without discreet manners, is like a ring of gold in a swine's snout.
23 The desire of the righteous is acceptable; but the hope of the ungodly is indignation.
24 Some man giveth out his goods, and is richer; but the niggard, having enough, will depart from nothing, and yet is ever in poverty.
25 He that is liberal in giving, shall have plenty; and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself.
26 Whoso hordeth up his corn, shall be cursed among the people; but blessing shall light upon his head that selleth it.
27 He that laboureth for honesty findeth his desire; but whoso seeketh after mischief, it shall happen unto him.
28 He that trusteth in his riches shall have a fall; but the righteous shall flourish as the green leaf.
29 Whoso maketh disquietness in his own house, he shall have wind for his heritage; and the fool shall be servant to the wise.
30 The fruit of the righteous is as the tree of life; a wise man also winneth men's souls.
31 If the righteous be recompensed upon earth, how much more then the ungodly and the sinner?