8 occurrences

'Wise Man' in the Bible

The wise man's eyes are in his head, and the fool walketh in darkness; but I myself also perceived that one event happeneth to them all.

And who knoweth whether he will be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour at which I have laboured, and wherein I have been wise under the sun. This also is vanity.

Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad, and a gift destroyeth the heart.

Whoso keepeth the commandment shall know no evil thing; and a wise man's heart knoweth time and manner.

then I saw that all is the work of God, and that man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because however man may labour to seek it out, yet doth he not find it; and even, if a wise man think to know it, he shall not be able to find it out.

and there was found in it a poor wise man, who by his wisdom delivered the city; but no man remembered that poor man.

The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool swallow up himself.