Hebrews 9:23-Hebrews 10:18 - Christ's Death Takes Away Sins

23 By such means, therefore, these things that were only copied from the originals in heaven had to be purified, but the heavenly originals themselves required far better sacrifices than these. 24 For it was not a sanctuary made by human hands and only copied after the true one that Christ entered, but he went into heaven itself, in order to appear now on our behalf in the very presence of God. 25 Nor does he go in to offer himself over and over again, like the high priest who enters the sanctuary year after year, taking with him blood that is not his own, 26 for then he would have had to suffer death over and over, ever since the creation of the world. But, as it is, once for all at the close of the age he has appeared, to put an end to sin by his sacrifice. 27 And just as men are destined to die once and after that to be judged, 28 so the Christ too, after being offered in sacrifice once for all to carry away the sins of many, will appear again but without any burden of sin, to those who are eagerly waiting for him to come and save them.

1 For while the Law foreshadowed the blessings that were to come, it did not fully express them, and so the priests by offering the same sacrifices endlessly year after year cannot wholly free those who come to worship from their sins. 2 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to offer these sacrifices, because those who offered them, having once been purified, would have had no further consciousness of sin? 3 They really only serve to remind the people annually of the sins they have committed, 4 for bulls' and goats' blood is powerless to remove sin.

5 That is why the Christ, when he was coming into the world, said, "You have not wished sacrifice or offering, but you have provided a body for me. 6 You never cared for burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin! 7 So I said, 'See, I have come! as the Book of the Law says of me, O God, to do your will!' "

8 At first he says, "You never wished or cared for sacrifices or offerings, or burnt-offerings or sacrifices for sin"??ll of which the Law prescribes??9 and then he adds, "See, I have come to do your will!" He is taking away the old to put the new in its place. 10 And it is through his doing of God's will that we have been once for all purified from sin through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ in sacrifice.

11 Every other priest stands officiating day after day, offering over and over again the same sacrifices, though they were powerless ever to remove people's sins. 12 But Christ has offered for all time one sacrifice for sin, and has taken his seat at God's right hand, 13 from that time waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool. 14 For by that one sacrifice he has forever qualified those who are purified from sin to approach God. 15 And we have the testimony of the holy Spirit to this, for after saying,

16 " 'This is the agreement that I will make with them In those later days,' says the Lord, 'I will put my laws into their minds, And write them upon their hearts,' " he goes on,

17 " 'And their sins and their misdeeds I will no longer remember.' "

18 But when these are forgiven, there is no more need of offerings for sin.