Romans 16:17-20 - Concluding Exhortations

Romans 16:17-20

17 I urge you, Brothers, to be on your guard against people who, by disregarding the teaching which you received, cause divisions and create difficulties; dissociate yourselves from them. 18 For such persons are not serving Christ, our Master, but are slaves to their own appetites; and, by their smooth words and flattery, they deceive simple-minded people.

19 Every one has heard of your ready obedience. It is true that I am very happy about you, but I want you to be well versed in all that is good, and innocent of all that is bad. 20 And God, the giver of peace, will before long crush Satan under your feet. May the blessing of Jesus, our Lord, be with you.

1 Corinthians 16:13-18

13 Be watchful; stand firm in your faith; show yourselves men; be strong. 14 Let everything you do be done in a loving spirit.

15 I have another request to make of you, Brothers. You remember Stephanas and his household, and that they were the first-fruits gathered in from Greece, and set themselves to serve Christ's People. 16 I want you, on your part, to show deference to such men as these, as well as to every fellow laborer and earnest worker. 17 I am glad Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus have come, for they have made up for your absence; 18 They have cheered my heart, and your hearts also. Recognize the worth of such men as these.