1 Samuel 2:11-17 - Eli's Evil Sons

11 And Elkanah will go to Ramah, to his house. And the boy was serving Jehovah in the face of Eli the priest.

12 And the sons of Eli, sons of Beli-al; they knew not Jehovah. 13 And the priests judging the people, every man sacrificing a sacrifice; and the boy of the priest came as the flesh boiled, and the fork of three teeth in his hand; 14 And he struck into the fire-pan or into the boiler, or into the kettle, or into the pot; all which the fork will bring up the priest will take for himself. So they will do to all Israel coming there into Shiloh. 15 Also before they will burn the fat and the boy of the priest came and said to the man sacrificing, Thou shalt give flesh to roast for the priest; and he will not take from thee flesh boiled but living. 16 And the man will say to him, Burning, they shall burn the fat as the day, and take to thee as thy soul shall desire; and he said to him, But now thou shalt give, and if not I will take by force. 17 And the sin of the boys will be exceedingly great before Jehovah, for the men despised the gifts of Jehovah.