2 Peter 3:14-18 - Final Exhortations And Conclusion

14 Therefore, dear friends, in expectation of these things, make every effort to be found by him spotless, blameless, and at peace. 15 Regard our Lord's forbearance as your one hope of Salvation. This is what our dear Brother Paul wrote to you, with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 It is the same in all his letters, when he speaks in them about these subjects. There are some things in them difficult to understand, which untaught and weak people distort, just as they do all other writings, to their own Ruin.

17 Do you, therefore, dear friends, now that you know this beforehand, be on your guard against being led away by the errors of reckless people, and so lapsing from your present steadfastness; 18 and advance in the love and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All glory be to him now and for ever.