Judges 6:36-40 - Gideon Tests Yahweh With The Fleece

36 And Gideon will say to God, If thou art saving Israel by my hand, as thou spakest, 37 Behold me putting a fleece of wool in the threshing-floor, and if the dew shall be upon the fleece only, and upon all the earth dryness, and I knew that thou wilt save Israel by my hand. as thou spakest 38 And it will be so: and he will rise early upon the morrow, and he will press the fleece together, and the dew will press out from the fleece, a bowl full of water.

39 And Gideon will say to God, Thine anger will not kindle against me, and I will speak but this once: I will try now only this once upon the fleece; there shall be dryness to the fleece alone, and upon all the earth shall be dew. 40 And God will do so in that night: and there will be dryness to the fleece only, and upon all the earth was dew.