Judges 20:37-48 - How The Israelites Won

37 These men ran quickly toward Gibeah. They spread out and killed everyone there. 38 The main Israelite army and the men in hiding had a prearranged signal. When they saw a big cloud of smoke going up from the town, 39 the Israelites out on the battlefield were to turn around. By this time the Benjaminites had already killed the thirty Israelites. They told themselves: We have beaten them. 40 The signal appeared. A cloud of smoke rose above the town. The Benjaminites looked behind them to see the whole city going up in flames. 41 Then the Israelites turned around. The Benjaminites were thrown into panic because they could see that they were about to be destroyed. 42 They retreated from the Israelites. They ran toward the open country and could not escape. They were caught between the main army and the men now coming out of the city. They were destroyed. 43 The Israelites trapped the enemy. Without stopping they pursued them as far as a point east of Gibeah. They killed them as they advanced. 44 Eighteen thousand of the best Benjaminite soldiers were killed. 45 The others turned and ran to the open country to Rimmon Rock. Five thousand of them were killed on the roads. The Israelites continued to pursue the rest to Gidom, killing two thousand.

46 In all, twenty-five thousand brave Benjaminites were killed that day. 47 Six hundred men were able to escape to the open country to Rimmon Rock. They stayed there four months. 48 The Israelites turned back against the rest of the Benjaminites and killed them all, men and women, children and animals as well. They burned every town in the area.