Matthew 20:17-19 - Jesus Predicts His Death And Resurrection A Third Time

Matthew 20:17-19

17 As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem He took the twelve apostles aside. As they traveled along He said to them, 18 "Now look, we are going up to Jerusalem and [while there] the Son of man will be turned over to the leading priests and experts in the law of Moses. They will condemn Him to death, 19 and turn Him over to the [unconverted] Gentiles, who will mock, whip and crucify Him; then on the third day He will be raised up."

Mark 10:32-34

32 Now Jesus and His disciples were [traveling] along the road, going up to Jerusalem, with Jesus moving on ahead of the others. The disciples were amazed and they followed [behind Him] fearfully. [Note: From the context, it appears their amazement was due to His eagerness to enter Jerusalem in spite of the imminent danger they felt awaited Him there]. He took the twelve apostles aside and began telling them about the things that were going to happen to Him.

33 He said, "Look, we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of man will be turned over to the leading priests and experts in the law of Moses. They will condemn Him to death and turn Him over to the [unconverted] Gentiles. 34 They will mock Him, and spit on Him, and whip Him and [finally] kill Him, but after three days He will rise again [from the dead]."

Luke 18:31-34

31 Then Jesus took the twelve apostles with Him, saying to them, "Look, we are going up to Jerusalem and [while there] everything written in [the writings of] the prophets will be fulfilled concerning the Son of man. 32 For He will be turned over to the [unconverted] Gentiles, and will be mocked, and insulted and spit on. 33 [The Romans] will flog Him and kill Him, but on the third day He will rise again [from the dead]."

34 But His disciples did not understand [what He meant by] any of these things, for this message was hidden from them so they did not comprehend what He was saying.