Job 3:1-10 - Job Regrets His Birth

1 After this Job opened his mouth, and he will curse his day. 2 Job will answer and say,

3 The day shall perish I shall bring forth in it, and the night said, A male was conceived. 4 That day shall be darkness; God shall not search it out from above, and the light shall not shine upon it. 5 Darkness shall pollute it, and the shadow of death; a cloud shall dwell upon it; the obscurations of day shall terrify it 6 That night darkness shall take it; it shall not be joined upon the days of the year; it shall not come into the number of months. 7 Behold, that night shall be hard; no rejoicing shall be in it 8 They cursing the day shall curse it, they being ready to rouse up the sea monster. 9 The stars of its twilight shall he dark; it shall wait for light, and none; and it shall not look upon the eyelashes of the dawn., 10 Because it shut not up the doors of my belly; and shall it hide the labor of mine eyes?