Acts 5:12-16 - Many Signs And Wonders Are Performed By The Apostles

12 And many [miraculous] signs and wonders were performed through the apostles' hands in front of the people. And all [the disciples] were united together in "Solomon's Portico" [See 3:11]. 13 But none [of the outsiders] dared to associate with the disciples, yet the [majority of the] people commended them. 14 And more and more believers were [being] added to the [people of the] Lord. 15 [One of the miracles performed was that] sick people were even carried into the streets on beds and couches so that, as he passed them, Peter's shadow would fall on someone [in hope of it producing a miraculous healing]. 16 Large crowds also came from the towns surrounding Jerusalem, bringing people who were sick and those troubled by evil spirits, and all of them were [miraculously] healed.