Acts 21:37-Acts 22:5 - Paul Permitted To Address The Crowd

37 And when he was just ready to be carried into the fortress, Paul said to the military tribune, May I be permitted to speak a word to thee? And he said, Dost thou know Greek? 38 Art not thou certainly that Egyptian who some time since raised a sedition, and led out into the desert four thousand cutthroats?

39 But Paul replied, I am indeed a Jew, a man of Tarsus, of Cilicia, a citizen of no contemptible city: and, I entreat thee, permit me to speak to the people.

40 So having his permission, Paul standing on the stairs, waved his hand to the people. And profound silence being obtained, he spake to them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,

1 MEN, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my apology which I now offer unto you. 2 Then when they heard that he spoke unto them in the Hebrew tongue, they kept the more silence: and he said, 3 I am indeed a Jewish man, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but educated in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, instructed accurately in the law of our fathers, being zealous for God, as ye all are this day: 4 so much so that I persecuted this way unto death, binding and delivering up to prisons both men and women. 5 As also the high-priest will bear me witness, and all the body of elders: from whom also having received letters unto the brethren, I went unto Damascus, to bring those who were there in chains unto Jerusalem, that they might be punished.