Exodus 22:21-27 - Regulations Regarding Foreigners And The Poor

21 Thou shalt not treat evil the stranger, and thou shalt not press him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. 22 Every widow and orphan ye shall not afflict. 23 If afflicting, thou shalt afflict him, if crying, he shall cry to me, hearing, I will hear his cry. 24 And my anger kindling, I killed you with the sword; and your wives were widows, and your sons orphans.

25 If thou shalt lend silver to my people being poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him, as lending; ye shall not put interest upon him.

26 If taking in pledge, thou shalt take in pledge the garment of thy friend, at the going down of the sun thou shalt turn it back to him. 27 For it is his covering alone; his garment for his nakedness in which he shall lie; and it was when he shall cry to me, and I heard, for I am compassionate.