Acts 23:11-22 - The Plot Against Paul

11 On the following night the Lord stood by Paul and said, "Courage! As you have testified to me at Jerusalem, so you must testify at Rome."

12 When day broke, the Jews formed a conspiracy, taking a solemn oath neither to eat nor to drink till they had killed Paul. 13 There were more than forty of them in this plot. 14 They then went to the high priests and elders, saying, "We have taken a solemn oath to taste no food till we have killed Paul. 15 Now you and the Sanhedrin must inform the commander that you propose to investigate this case in detail, so that he may have Paul brought down to you. We will be all ready to kill him on the way down."

16 Now Paul's nephew heard about their treacherous ambush; so he got admission to the barracks and told Paul. 17 Paul summoned one of the officers and said, "Take this young man to the commander, for he has some news to give him."

18 So the officer took him to the commander, saying, "The prisoner Paul has summoned me to ask if I would bring this young man to you, as he has something to tell you."

19 The commander then took him by the hand aside and asked him in private, "What is the news you have for me?"

20 He answered, "The Jews have agreed to ask you to bring Paul down to-morrow to the Sanhedrin, on the plea that they propose to examine his case in detail. 21 Now do not let them persuade you. More than forty of them are lying in ambush for him, and they have taken a solemn oath neither to eat nor to drink till they have murdered him. They are all ready at this moment, awaiting your consent."

22 Then the commander dismissed the youth, bidding him "Tell nobody that you have informed me of this."