6 occurrences in 6 dictionaries

Reference: Netophah


A town near Bethlehem, of which little more than the name is known, 25/type/juliasmith'>2Sa 24:25,25; 2Ki 25:23; Ezr 2:22; Ne 7:26.

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distillation; dropping, a town in Judah, in the neighbourhood, probably, of Bethlehem (Ne 7:26; 1Ch 2:54). Two of David's guards were Netophathites (1Ch 27:13,15). It has been identified with the ruins of Metoba, or Um Toba, to the north-east of Bethlehem.

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("dropping".) A town coupled with Bethlehem in Ne 7:26, also in 1Ch 2:54; therefore near it. Two of David's heroes (1Ch 27:1,13,15), captains of two of the 12 monthly military courses, were NETOPHATHITES (2Sa 23:28-29). "Villages of Netophathites" were Levite singers' residences (1Ch 9:16; Ne 12:28). The Targum (1Ch 2:54; Ru 4:20; Ec 3:11) states that they slew the guards whom Jeroboam stationed on the roads to Jerusalem, to intercept the firstfruits from the villages to the temple. The fast on the 23rd Sivan, still in the Jewish calendar, commemorates Jeroboam's opposition. Between Bethlehem and Anathoth. Noticed as "in the wilderness" of Judah in the Acta Sanctorum. Answering to the ruin Metoba. N.E. of Bethlehem on the edge of the Mar Saba desert.

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A town, the name of which first occurs in the list of the exiles who returned under Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:22 = Ne 7:26 = 1Es 5:18 Netophas). Perhaps the name is preserved in the modern Beit Nettif at the entrance to the Wady es-Sunt or Vale of Elah. The gentilic name the Netophathite(s) occurs in 2Sa 23:28 f., 2Ki 25:23; Jer 40:8.

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City of Judah. Ezr 2:22; Ne 7:26. Identified with ruins at Umm Toba, 31 44' N, 35 13' E.

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(distillation), a town the name of which occurs only in the catalogue of those who returned with Zerubbabel from the captivity.

Ezr 2:22; Ne 7:26

1 Esdr. 5:18. But, though not directly mentioned till so late a period, Netophah was really a much older place. Two of David's guard,

1Ch 17:13,15

were Netophathites. The "villages of the Neophathites" were the residence of the Levites.

1Ch 9:16

From another notice we learn that the particular Levites who inhabited these villages were singers.

Ne 12:28

To judge from

Ne 7:26

the town was in the neighborhood of, or closely connected with, Bethlehem.

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