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And fifty shekels weight of gold was used for the nails. He had all the higher rooms plated with gold.

And the covered way in front of the house was twenty cubits long, as wide as the house, and a hundred and twenty cubits high, all plated inside with the best gold.

And the greater house was roofed with cypress-wood, plated with the best gold and ornamented with designs of palm-trees and chains.

All the house was plated with gold, the supports, the steps, the walls and the doors; and the walls were ornamented with designs of winged ones.

And he made the most holy place; it was twenty cubits long, and twenty cubits wide, like the greater house, and was plated all over with the best gold; six hundred talents were used for it.

Then the king made a great ivory seat, plated with the best gold.

In the most holy place he made two images of cherubim and plated them with gold.