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They shall drive him out of light into darkness, and they shall exclude him from the habitable globe.

Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place.

Who committed to him the earth? and who set up the habitable globe all of it?

He will add rebellion to his sin; he will clap between us, and he will multiply his words to God.

A roaring voice followeth him: for his glorious majesty giveth such a thunder clap, that, though a man hear it, yet may he not perceive it afterward. It giveth a horrible sound,

Being turned by his guidance to their doing all that he commanded them upon the face of the habitable globe of the earth.

And his brood gulp up blood, And where the pierced are -- there is he!

A club is regarded as stubble,
and he laughs at the sound of a javelin.