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The trouble he planned will return on his own head, and his violence will descend on his skull.

LORD, you brought me from death; you kept me alive so that I did not descend into the Pit.

Enemies seek to destroy my life, but they will descend into the depths of the earth.

You shine brightly and reveal your majesty, as you descend from the hills where you killed your prey.

I am counted with them who descend into the pit, I have become as a man that is without help;

They mount the heavens, they descend the roaring deeps, their soul, by trouble, dissolveth;

The dead do not praise the Lord, nor do any of those who descend into the silence of death.

Answer me quickly, LORD; my spirit is failing. Do not hide your face from me; otherwise, I will become like those who descend to the Pit,

Bow your heavens, LORD, and descend; touch the mountains, and they will smolder.