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May he send you help from the sanctuary, and may he sustain you from Zion.

Now I know that the LORD has delivered his anointed; he has answered him from his sanctuary with the strength of his right hand of deliverance.

Hear the sound of my supplications when I cry to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary.

So I have looked for you in the sanctuary, to behold your power and glory.

They have observed your processions, God, the processions of my God, my king, in the sanctuary.

They burned your sanctuary to the ground, desecrating your dwelling place.

He built his sanctuary, high as the heavens, like the earth that he established forever.

Splendor and majesty are before him; might and beauty are in his sanctuary.

God had promised in his sanctuary: "I will triumph and divide Shechem, then I will measure the valley of Succoth!