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Then spake Aaron unto Moses - Lo! this very day, when they had brought near their own sin-bearer, and their own ascending-sacrifice, there befell me such things as these, - if, then, I had eaten of the sin-bearer this day, would it have been well-pleasing in the eyes of Yahweh?

Nevertheless, these, may ye eat, of all creeping things that fly, that go on all-fours, - such as have legs above their feet, to leap therewith, upon the earth -

Of all the food that may be eaten, that whereon shall come water, shall be unclean, - and, all drink which might be drunk in any such vessel, shall he unclean.

any person who toucheth any such, shall then be unclean until the evening, - and shall not eat of the hallowed things, unless he bathe his flesh in water.

And as for such as are left of you, Then will I bring faintness into their heart, in the lands of their foes, - So that the sound of a driven leaf shall chase them, And they shall flee as though fleeing from a sword And they shall fall, when no one is pursuing;