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But when he was giving thought to these things, an angel of the Lord came to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, have no fear of taking Mary as your wife; because that which is in her body is of the Holy Spirit.

Now when the birth of Jesus took place in Beth-lehem of Judaea, in the days of Herod the king, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

And when it came to the ears of Herod the king, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

And after hearing the king, they went on their way; and the star which they saw in the east went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the young child was.

And when they had gone, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream, saying, Get up and take the young child and his mother, and go into Egypt, and do not go from there till I give you word; for Herod will be searching for the young child to put him to death.

But when Herod was dead, an angel of the Lord came in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,

And he got up, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.

But when it came to his ears that Archelaus was ruling over Judaea in the place of his father Herod, he was in fear of going there; and God having given him news of the danger in a dream, he went out of the way into the country parts of Galilee.

And he came and was living in a town named Nazareth: so that the word of the prophets might come true, He will be named a Nazarene.

Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be given baptism by him.

Now when it came to his ears that John had been put in prison, he went away to Galilee;

And going away from Nazareth, he came and made his living-place in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the country of Zebulun and Naphtali:

And they went straight from the boat and their father and came after him.

And seeing great masses of people he went up into the mountain; and when he was seated his disciples came to him.

And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house, but it was not moved; because it was based on the rock.

And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house; and it came down and great was its fall.

And it came about, when Jesus had come to the end of these words, that the people were surprised at his teaching,

And a leper came and gave him worship, saying, Lord, if it is your pleasure, you have power to make me clean.

And when Jesus was come into Capernaum, a certain captain came to him with a request,

And when these words came to the ears of Jesus he was surprised, and said to those who came after him, Truly I say to you, I have not seen such great faith, no, not in Israel.

And there came a scribe and said to him, Master, I will come after you wherever you go.

And there came up a great storm in the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves: but he was sleeping.

And when he had come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, there came out to him from the place of the dead, two who had evil spirits, so violent that no man was able to go that way.

And he said to them, Go. And they came out, and went into the pigs; and the herd went rushing down a sharp slope into the sea and came to their end in the water.

And all the town came out to Jesus; and seeing him they made request that he would go away from their part of the country.

And he got into a boat and went across and came to his town.

And it came about, when he was in the house taking food, that a number of tax-farmers and sinners came and took their places with Jesus and his disciples.

While he was saying these things to them, there came a ruler and gave him worship, saying, My daughter is even now dead; but come and put your hand on her, and she will come back to life.

And when Jesus came into the ruler's house and saw the players with their instruments and the people making a noise,

And when Jesus went on from there, two blind men came after him, crying out, Have mercy on us, you Son of David.

And when he had come into the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said to them, Have you faith that I am able to do this? They said to him, Yes, Lord.

And while they were going away, there came to him a man without the power of talking, and with an evil spirit.

And it came about that when Jesus had come to the end of giving these orders to his twelve disciples, he went away from there, teaching and preaching in their towns.

The queen of the South will come up in the day of judging and give her decision against this generation: for she came from the ends of the earth to give ear to the wisdom of Solomon; and now a greater than Solomon is here.

Then he says, I will go back into my house from which I came out; and when he comes, he sees that there is no one in it, but that it has been made fair and clean.

While he was still talking to the people, his mother and his brothers came, desiring to have talk with him.

And great numbers of people came together to him, so that he got into a boat; and the people took up their position by the sea.

And while he did so, some seeds were dropped by the wayside, and the birds came and took them for food:

And some of the seed went among the stones, where it had not much earth, and straight away it came up because the earth was not deep:

And some seeds went among thorns, and the thorns came up and they had no room for growth:

And the disciples came and said to him, Why do you say things to them in the form of stories?

But while men were sleeping, one who had hate for him came and put evil seeds among the grain, and went away.

But when the green stem came up and gave fruit, the evil plants were seen at the same time.

And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, Sir, did you not put good seed in your field? how then has it evil plants?

Then he went away from the people, and went into the house; and his disciples came to him, saying, Make clear to us the story of the evil plants in the field.

But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias was dancing before them, and Herod was pleased with her.

And his disciples came, and took up his body and put it in the earth; and they went and gave Jesus news of what had taken place.

Now when it came to the ears of Jesus, he went away from there in a boat, to a waste place by himself: and the people hearing of it, went after him on foot from the towns.

And when evening had come, the disciples came to him, saying, This place is waste land, and the time is now past; send the people away so that they may go into the towns and get themselves food.

And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea.

And when they had gone across, they came to land at Gennesaret.

Then there came to Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and scribes, saying,

Then the disciples came and said to him, Did you see that the Pharisees were troubled when these words came to their ears?

And Jesus went from there and came to the sea of Galilee; and he went up into the mountain, and took his seat there.

And there came to him great numbers of people having with them those who were broken in body, or blind, or without voice, or wounded, or ill in any way, and a number of others; they put them down at his feet and he made them well:

And when he had sent the people away, he got into the boat, and came into the country of Magadan.

And when the disciples came to the other side they had not taken thought to get bread.

And Jesus came and put his hand on them and said, Get up and have no fear.

And when they came to the people, a man went down on his knees to him, saying,

And when they had come to Capernaum, those who took the Temple tax came to Peter and said, Does not your master make payment of the Temple tax?

He says, Yes. And when he came into the house, Jesus said to him, What is your opinion, Simon? from whom do the kings of the earth get payment or tax? from their sons or from other people?

In that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying, Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

And at the start, one came to him who was in his debt for ten thousand talents.

So when the other servants saw what was done they were very sad, and came and gave word to their lord of what had been done.

And it came about that after saying these words, Jesus went away from Galilee, and came into the parts of Judaea on the other side of Jordan.

And one came to him and said, Master, what good thing have I to do, so that I may have eternal life?

And again I say to you, It is simpler for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a man with much money to go into the kingdom of God.

And when evening came, the lord of the vine-garden said to his manager, Let the workers come, and give them their payment, from the last to the first.

And when those men came who had gone to work at the eleventh hour, they were given every man a penny.

Then those who came first had the idea that they would get more; and they, like the rest, were given a penny.

Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, giving him worship and making a request of him.

And those who went before him, and those who came after, gave loud cries, saying, Glory to the Son of David: A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord: Glory in the highest.

And when he came into Jerusalem, all the town was moved, saying, Who is this?