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so they asked him, saying, "Then why are you baptizing people, if you are neither the Christ nor Elijah nor the Prophet?"

At this point his disciples came up; they were surprised that he was talking to a woman, but none of them said, "What is it?" or, "Why are you talking to her?"

And this was why the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did things like this on the sabbath.

that was why he said 'I tell you that no one is able to come to me unless he is allowed by the Father').

Did not Moses give you the Law? ??and yet none of you honestly obeys the Law. Else, why do you want to kill me?"

Then the attendants went back to the high priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why have you not brought him with you?"

Why, it is written in your own Law that the evidence of two persons is valid:

So the Jews said, "Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, 'Where I go, you cannot come'?"

They said, "Who are you?" Jesus replied, "Why should I talk to you at all?

That was why the man's parents said, "He is of age, ask himself.")

He retorted, "I have told you that already, and you would not listen to me. Why do you want to hear it over again? Do you want to be disciples of his?"

"Why was not this perfume sold for ten pounds, and the money given to the poor?"

and that was why the crowd went out to meet him, because they heard he had performed this Sign.

"Lord," said Judas (not Judas Iscariot), "why is it that you are to appear to us, and not to the world?"

Jesus knew they wanted to ask him; so he said to them, "Is this what you are discussing together, why I said, 'In a little while, you will not see me: then, after a little, you shall see me'?

Why ask me? Ask my hearers what I have said to them; they know what I said."

"If I have said anything wrong," replied Jesus, "prove it; if I said what was true, why strike me?"

"So you are a king?" said Pilate, "you!" "Certainly," said Jesus, "I am a king. This is why I was born, this is why I came into the world, to bear testimony to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."

"Woman," they said to her, "why are you sobbing?" She said, "Because they have taken away my master, and I do not know where they have put him!"

"Woman," said Jesus, "why are you sobbing? Who are you looking for?" Supposing he was the gardener, she said, "Oh, sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you put him, and I will remove him."

Then after breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than the others do?" "Why, Lord," he said, "you know I love you." "Then feed my lambs," said Jesus.

Again he asked him, for the second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Why, Lord," he said, "you know I love you." "Then be a shepherd to my sheep," said Jesus.