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And while they were gazing after him into the sky, two men dressed in white suddenly stood beside them,

It was to you that God first sent his servant after he had raised him from the dead, to bless you by making every one of you turn from his wickedness."

But after further threats they let them go, as they could find no way to punish them, on account of the people, who were all giving honor to God for what had happened,

After being released, the apostles went back to their friends, and told them what the high priests and members of the council had said to them.

As long as it was unsold was it not yours, and after it was sold was not the money under your control? How could you think of doing such a thing? You did not lie to men but to God!"

After him, at the time of the census, Judas of Galilee appeared, and raised a great following, but he too perished, and all his followers were scattered.

So he left the country of the Chaldeans and went to live in Haran, and from there after the death of his father, God caused him to move into this country where you now live.

He gave him no property in it, not a single foot, but he promised to give it to him and his posterity after him permanently, though he had no children at that time.

But Saul harassed the church. He went into one house after another, and dragging out men and women, put them in prison.

Even Simon himself believed and after his baptism devoted himself to Philip, and he was amazed at seeing such signs and great wonders taking place.

After they had given their testimony and delivered the Lord's message, they went back to Jerusalem, telling the good news in many Samaritan villages on the way.

and, after taking some food, regained his strength. Saul stayed for some time with the disciples at Damascus,

and after telling them the whole story, sent them to Joppa.

and the day after, he reached Caesarea. Cornelius had invited in his relatives and his intimate friends and was waiting for them.

You know the story that has gone all over Judea, starting from Galilee after the baptism that John proclaimed,

not by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had designated beforehand, that is, by us, who ate and drank with him after he had risen from the dead.

He had him seized and put in jail, with four squads of soldiers to guard him, meaning after the Passover to bring him out before the people.

Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. So they came before him in a body, and after winning over Blastus, the king's chamberlain, they asked for a reconciliation, because their country depended upon the king's dominions for its food supply.

After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the synagogue authorities sent to them, saying, "Brothers, if you have any appeal to make to the people, proceed."

After that he gave them judges, down to the time of the prophet Samuel.

Then he removed him and raised David up to be their king, bearing this testimony to him: 'I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart, who will do all that I desire.'

Toward the end of his career, John said, 'What do you suppose that I am? I am not he! No! Someone is coming after me, the shoes on whose feet I am not fit to untie!'

Now David, after serving God's purposes in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid among his forefathers and did undergo decay,

and after the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and the devout converts to Judaism went away with Paul and Barnabas, and they talked with them, and urged them to rely on the favor of God.

After a long discussion, Peter got up and said to them, "Brothers, you know that in the early days God chose that of you all I should be the one from whose lips the heathen should hear the message of the good news and believe it.

After they had stayed some time, the brothers let them go, with a greeting to those who had sent them.

Some time after, Paul said to Barnabas, "Come, let us go back and revisit the brothers in each of the towns where we made the Lord's message known, to see how they are doing."

After beating them severely, they put them in jail, and gave the jailer orders to keep close watch of them.

After leaving the jail they went to Lydia's house, and saw the brothers and encouraged them. Then they left the town.

After passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they reached Thessalonica, where the Jews had a synagogue.

But as it is only a question of words and titles and your own law, you must look after it yourselves. I refuse to decide such matters."

After spending some time there, he started out again, and traveled systematically through Galatia and Phrygia, reassuring all the disciples.

It was while Apollos was in Corinth that Paul, after passing through the interior, reached Ephesus. Finding some disciples there,

After these events, Paul, under the Spirit's guidance, resolved to go to Jerusalem, and to revisit Macedonia and Greece on the way. "After I have gone there," he said, "I must see Rome also."

After traveling through those districts and giving the people a great deal of encouragement, he went on to Greece

while we sailed from Philippi after the festival of Unleavened Bread, and joined them at Troas five days later. There we stayed a week.

Then he went upstairs again, and broke the bread, and ate, and after a long talk with them that lasted until daylight, he went away.

I know that after I am gone savage wolves will get in among you and will not spare the flock,

After sighting Cyprus and leaving it on our left, we sailed for Syria, and put in at Tyre, for the ship was to unload her cargo there.

After making the run from Tyre, we landed at Ptolemais, where we greeted the brothers and spent a day with them.

After this we made our preparations and started for Jerusalem.

After I had returned to Jerusalem, one day when I was praying in the Temple, I fell into a trance,

And I said, 'Lord, they know that I used to go through one synagogue after another, and to imprison and flog those who believed in you,

After reading the letter, he asked Paul what province he belonged to, and when he learned that he was from Cilicia,

After an absence of several years, I had come to bring charitable donations for my nation, and to offer sacrifice.

He ordered the officer to keep Paul in custody, but to allow him some freedom, and not to prevent his friends from looking after him.

Three days after his arrival in the province, Festus went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem,

After staying only eight or ten days there, he went down to Caesarea, and the next day took his place in the judge's chair, and ordered Paul brought in.

Then Festus after conferring with the council answered, "You have appealed to the emperor, and to the emperor you shall go!"

Some time after, King Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea on a state visit to Festus,

and after leaving the room, in talking the matter over together, they said, "This man has not done anything to deserve death or imprisonment."

and after traversing the Cilician and Pamphylian waters, we reached Myra in Lycia.

After hoisting it on board, they used ropes to brace the ship, and as they were afraid of being cast on the Syrtis banks, they lowered the sail, and let the ship drift.

With these words he took some bread and after thanking God for it before them all, he broke it in pieces and began to eat it.

After our escape we learned that the island was called Malta.

They expected to see him swell up or suddenly fall dead, but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.

Publius' father happened to be sick in bed with fever and dysentery, and Paul went to see him and after praying laid his hands on him and cured him.

After that, the other sick people on the island came and were cured.