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and said, men and brethren, the prediction which the holy ghost made, by the mouth of David, concerning Judas, who was guide to those that seiz'd Jesus, must have been accomplished.

said he, in taking his leave, I must necessarily keep the approaching feast at Jerusalem: after which I will return to you if God permit.

now they have heard that you instruct the Jews that are among the Gentiles to abandon Moses, by telling them they must not circumcise their children, nor observe the establish'd rites.

then I said, Lord, what must I do? and the Lord answer'd, arise, go to Damascus; there you will be inform'd what you are to do.

The night following, the Lord appear'd to him, and said, Paul, take courage; for the same remonstrances that you have made concerning me at Jerusalem, you must likewise make at Rome.

you must be brought before Cesar: and upon your account, the whole company now with you, will God preserve.

notwithstanding we must be shipwrack'd upon some island."