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And a man who was lame from birth was carried there and placed every day at the temple gate called Beautiful, so he could beg from those entering the temple complex.

When he saw Peter and John about to enter the temple complex, he asked for help.

So he jumped up, stood, and started to walk, and he entered the temple complex with them—walking, leaping, and praising God.

and they recognized that he was the one who used to sit and beg at the Beautiful Gate of the temple complex. So they were filled with awe and astonishment at what had happened to him.

Now as they were speaking to the people, the priests, the commander of the temple police, and the Sadducees confronted them,

In obedience to this, they entered the temple complex at daybreak and began to teach.

When the high priest and those who were with him arrived, they convened the Sanhedrin—the full Senate of the sons of Israel—and sent orders to the jail to have them brought.

But when the temple police got there, they did not find them in the jail, so they returned and reported,

As the commander of the temple police and the chief priests heard these things, they were baffled about them, as to what could come of this.

Someone came and reported to them, “Look! The men you put in jail are standing in the temple complex and teaching the people.”

Then the commander went with the temple police and brought them in without force, because they were afraid the people might stone them.

Then the priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the town, brought oxen and garlands to the gates. He, with the crowds, intended to offer sacrifice.

So not only do we run a risk that our business may be discredited, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be despised and her magnificence come to the verge of ruin—the very one all of Asia and the world adore.”

However, when the city clerk had calmed the crowd down, he said, “Men of Ephesus! What man is there who doesn’t know that the city of the Ephesians is the temple guardian of the great Artemis, and of the image that fell from heaven?

For you have brought these men here who are not temple robbers or blasphemers of our goddess.

Then the next day, Paul took the men, having purified himself along with them, and entered the temple, announcing the completion of the purification days when the offering for each of them would be made.

As the seven days were about to end, the Jews from Asia saw him in the temple complex, stirred up the whole crowd, and seized him,

shouting, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere against our people, our law, and this place. What’s more, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has profaned this holy place.”

For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with him, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple complex.

The whole city was stirred up, and the people rushed together. They seized Paul, dragged him out of the temple complex, and at once the gates were shut.

“After I came back to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple complex, I went into a visionary state

He even tried to desecrate the temple, so we apprehended him [and wanted to judge him according to our law.

They didn’t find me disputing with anyone or causing a disturbance among the crowd, either in the temple complex or in the synagogues or anywhere in the city.

and while I was doing this, some Jews from Asia found me ritually purified in the temple, without a crowd and without any uproar.

while Paul made the defense that, “Neither against the Jewish law, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I sinned at all.”

For this reason the Jews seized me in the temple complex and were trying to kill me.