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For every high priest taken from men is appointed for men in things toward God, so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.

So also Christ did not glorify himself to become a high priest, but it was he who said to him, Thou are my Son, today I have begotten thee.

having been designated by God a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.

Who has no need to offer up sacrifices each day, as those high priests, first for his own sins, then for those of the people, for this he did, once, when he offered up himself.

For the law appoints men high priests who have weakness, but the word of the oath after the law, a Son who has been fully perfected into the age.

Now a summation about the things being spoken is, we have such a high priest who was seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,

For every high priest is appointed in order to offer both gifts and sacrifices, whereupon it is necessary for this man also have something that he may offer.

But Christ, having arrived a high priest of the good things that are coming, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation,

And not so that he might offer himself often, as the high priest enters into the Holy things each year with blood by another,

For of the beasts whose blood is brought into the holy things for sin by the high priest, the bodies of these are burned outside the camp.