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For each one who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened.

And when they who were hired about the eleventh hour came, they each one received a denarius.

But when the first came, they supposed that they would received more; and they also each one received a denarius.

As a man going away, leaving his house, and giving authority to his servants, and each man's work to him, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.

And when they had crucified Him, they divided His garments, casting lots on them, as, to what each should take.

And the sun sinking, all, as many as had sick ones with different kinds of diseases brought them to Him. And laying hands on each of them, He healed them.

And a great crowd coming together, and those in each city coming to Him, He spoke by a parable:

And He said to them, Take nothing for your journey, neither staffs, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money, nor each to have two tunics.

And the Lord answered him and said, Hypocrite! Does not each one of you on the sabbath loosen his ox or ass from the stall and lead it away, to give it drink?

And when he had received his kingdom and had returned, then it happened that he commanded these servants to be called to him; the ones to whom he had given the silver; so that he might know what each had gained by trading.

And they talked to each other of all these things which had happened.

Behold, the hour comes, yea, has now come, that you will be scattered, each man to his own things, and you will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.

Then when they had crucified Jesus, the soldiers took His garments and made four parts, one part to each soldier; and also His tunic. And the tunic was without seam, woven from the top throughout.

But this sound occurring, the multitude came together and were confounded, because they each heard them speaking in his own dialect.

And how do we each hear in our own dialect in which we were born?

And the disciples, as any were prospered, determined each of them to send for ministry to those brothers who lived in Judea,

Then there was sharp feeling, so as to separate them from each other. And taking Mark, Barnabas sailed to Cyprus.

to seek the Lord, if perhaps they might feel after Him and find Him, though indeed He is not far from each one of us.

Then taking the men on the next day, being purified with them, Paul went into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, until an offering should be offered for each of them.

Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to each?

each one's work shall be revealed. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try each one's work as to what kind it is.

For I would that all men were even as I myself am. But each has his proper gift from God, one according to this manner and another according to that.

But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all churches.

Each in whatever way he was called, brothers, in this remain with God.

For in eating each one takes his own supper first; and one is hungry, and another drunken.

And God gives it a body as it has pleased Him, and to each of the seeds its own body.

even as you know how we exhorted and comforted and testified to each one of you, as a father to his children,

And they shall not each man teach his neighbor, and each man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest.

And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having harps and golden vials full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

And white robes were given to each one of them. And it was said to them that they should rest yet for a little time, until both their fellow servants and their brothers (those about to be killed as they were) should have their number made complete.

And the sea gave up the dead in it. And death and hell delivered up the dead in them. And each one of them was judged according to their works.

And the twelve gates were twelve pearls. Respectively, each one of the gates was one pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, as transparent glass.

In the midst of its street, and of the river, from here and from there, was the Tree of Life, which bore twelve fruits, each yielding its fruit according to one month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.