





Parts of Speech

n pr loc

Root Word (Etymology)

of Hebrew origin 2022 and 4023

Dictionary Aids

TWOT Reference: TDNT 1:468

KJV Translation Count — 1x

The KJV translates Strongs H1 in the following manner: Armageddon (1)

Outline of Biblical Usage

rmageddon = "the hill or city of Megiddo"
1. In Revelation 16:16 the scene of a the struggle of good and evil is suggested by that battle plain of Esdraelon, which was famous for two great victories, of Barak over the Canaanites, and of Gideon over the Midianites; and for two great disasters, the deaths of Saul and Josiah. Hence in Revelation a place of great slaughter, the scene of a terrible retribution upon the wicked. The RSV translates the name as Har-Magedon, i.e. the hill (as Ar is the city) of Megiddo.

Strong's Definitions

ar-mag-ed-dohn'; of Hebrew origin [Hebrew {2022} (har) and Hebrew {4023} (Megiddown)]; Armageddon (or Har-Megiddon), a symbolical name: — Armageddon.

Concordance Results Using KJV

And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue G717.