Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Henceforth you must grow strong through union with the Lord and through his mighty strength. You must put on God's armor, so as to be able to stand up against the devil's stratagems. For we have to struggle, not with enemies of flesh and blood, but with the hierarchies, the authorities, the master-spirits of this dark world, the spirit-forces of evil on high. read more.
So you must take God's armor, so that when the evil day comes you will be able to make a stand, and when it is all over to hold your ground. Stand your ground, then, with the belt of truth around your waist, and put on uprightness as your coat of mail, and on your feet put the readiness the good news of peace brings. Besides all these, take faith for your shield, for with it you will be able to put out all the flaming missiles of the evil one, and take salvation for your helmet, and for your sword the Spirit, which is the voice of God.

For though I do live an earthly life, I am not carrying on an earthly war, for the weapons I use are not earthly ones, but divinely strong for destroying fortresses. I destroy arguments and every obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God, and I take captive every thought and make it obey Christ, read more.
and am prepared to punish any trace of disobedience when you have made your obedience perfectly clear.