Thematic Bible

Isaiah 24:1 (show verse)

Look! Yahweh [is] about to lay the earth waste and [is] about to devastate it, and he will twist her surface, and he will scatter her inhabitants.

Isaiah 24:2 (show verse)

And it shall be as [with] the people, so [with] the priest; as [with] the slave, so [with] his master; as [with] the female slave, so [with] her mistress; as [with] the buyer, so [with] the seller; as [with] the lender, so [with] the borrower; as [with] the creditor, so [with] [the one] to whom he lends.

Isaiah 24:3 (show verse)

The earth shall be utterly laid waste, and it shall be utterly plundered, for Yahweh has spoken this word.
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Isaiah 24:4 (show verse)

The earth dries up, it withers; [the] world languishes, it withers. The elevated of the people of the earth languish,

Isaiah 24:5 (show verse)

and the earth is defiled beneath its inhabitants. For they have transgressed laws; they have passed by statutes; they have broken [the] everlasting covenant.

Isaiah 24:6 (show verse)

Therefore a curse devours [the] earth, and the inhabitants in it suffer for their guilt. Therefore [the] inhabitants of [the] earth burn, and {few men are left}.

Isaiah 24:7 (show verse)

[The] new wine dries up; [the] vine languishes. All [the] merry of heart sigh;

Isaiah 24:8 (show verse)

[the] joy of [the] tambourine has stopped. The noise of [the] jubilant has ceased; [the] joy of [the] lyre has stopped.

Isaiah 24:9 (show verse)

They do not drink wine with song; strong drink is bitter to those who drink it.

Isaiah 24:10 (show verse)

[The] city of emptiness is broken; every house is shut {so that no one can enter};
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Isaiah 24:11 (show verse)

[there is] an outcry over the wine in the streets. All joy turns into {darkness}; the joy of the earth disappears.

Isaiah 24:12 (show verse)

Desolation is left in the city; [the] gate is crushed [into] a state of ruin.
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Isaiah 24:13 (show verse)

For it shall be like this in the midst of the earth, among the nations, like [the] beating of an olive tree, like gleanings when a grape harvest is at an end.

Isaiah 24:14 (show verse)

They lift up their voices; they sing for joy; they shout out from [the] west over the majesty of Yahweh.
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Isaiah 24:15 (show verse)

Therefore glorify Yahweh in the east, the name of Yahweh the God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea.

Isaiah 24:16 (show verse)

We hear songs from the {edge} of the earth: "Glory to the righteous [one]!" But I say, "Ruin to me! Ruin to me! Woe to me! [The] treacherous ones deal treacherously, and [the] treacherous ones deal treacherously [with] treachery!"
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Isaiah 24:17 (show verse)

Terror and [the] pit and [the] snare [are] upon you, inhabitants of the earth!
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Isaiah 24:18 (show verse)

And this shall happen: The one who flees from the sound of the terror shall fall into the pit, and the one who goes up from {inside the pit} shall be caught in the snare, for [the] windows from heaven are opened, and [the] foundations of [the] earth tremble.

Isaiah 24:19 (show verse)

The earth is utterly broken; [the] earth is torn asunder; [the] earth is shaken violently.

Isaiah 24:20 (show verse)

[The] earth staggers to and fro like the drunkard, and it sways like hut, and its transgression is heavy upon it, and it falls and does not rise again.

Isaiah 24:21 (show verse)

And this shall happen on that day: Yahweh will punish the host of heaven in heaven, and the kings of the earth on the earth.

Isaiah 24:22 (show verse)

And they will be gathered [in] a gathering, [like] a prisoner {in} a pit. And they will be shut {in} a prison and be punished {after} many days.

Isaiah 24:23 (show verse)

And the full moon will be ashamed and the sun will be ashamed, for Yahweh of hosts will rule on {Mount Zion} and in Jerusalem, and before his elders [in] glory.