8 Bible Verses about Abuse, Of Spiritual Things

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 9:18

Then what is my reward? It is being able to preach the good news without receiving financial support [for it], so as not to claim my full rights in [the work of preaching] the good news.

1 Corinthians 7:31

And those who make use of the things of the world [should live] as though they were not [really] involved with them. For the world as we know it is passing away. [Note: The five "as though's" of verses 29-31 are intended to emphasize that Christians should live with eternity in mind and not to become preoccupied with even legitimate earthly circumstances].

2 Peter 2:10

[This fate will come upon] those people especially who corrupt themselves with physical desires and despise being ruled by others. They are daring, self-willed, and are not afraid to speak against glorious beings [i.e., angels],

1 Corinthians 11:17

But in giving you these instructions, I have a criticism to make [about you people]. It is that your assemblies are doing more harm than good.

Jude 1:4

For certain men have secretly infiltrated [your ranks]; they are men who had been written about long ago that they should be judged [and condemned] for perverting the unearned favor of our God into [a license for] living unrestrained, indecent lives, and who deny [the identity and work of] our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Romans 3:8

And why should we not say, "Let us do what is wrong so something good will come from it," as some people slanderously claim that we are saying? These people deserve to be condemned.

Romans 6:1

What shall we say, then? Should we continue sinning so that more of God's unearned favor will [have to] be shown?

Romans 6:15

[So], what then? Should we sin because we are not governed by law but by God's unearned favor? Certainly not!

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