21 Bible Verses about Merchants

Most Relevant Verses

Genesis 37:25-28

Then they sat down to eat [some] food. And they lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilead. And their camels were carrying aromatic gum and balm and spices {on the way} to Egypt. Then Judah said to his brothers, "What profit [is there] if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, but our hand shall not be against him, for he [is] our brother, our own flesh." And his brothers agreed.read more.
Then Midianite traders passed by. And they drew Joseph up and brought [him] up from the pit, and they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty [pieces of] silver. And they brought Joseph to Egypt.

Job 6:15-21

My companions are treacherous like a torrent-bed; like a streambed of wadis they flow away, which are growing dark because of ice upon them, it will pile up snow. In time they dry up, they disappear; when it [is] hot, they vanish from their place.read more.
The paths of their way wind [around]; they go up into the wasteland, and they perish. The caravans of Tema looked; the traveling merchants of Sheba hope for them. They are disappointed, because they trusted; they came {here} and they are confounded. "For now you have become {such}; you see terrors, and you fear.

Proverbs 31:14

She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food;

1 Kings 9:26-28

King Solomon also built a fleet of ships at Ezion-Geber which [is] near Elath on the shore of the {Red Sea} in the land of Edom. Hiram sent his servants with the fleet of ships, {sailors} who knew the sea, with the servants of Solomon. They went to Ophir and imported from there four hundred and twenty talents of gold, and they brought it to King Solomon.

2 Chronicles 8:17-18

Then Solomon went to Ezion-Geber, and to Elath, on the edge of the sea in the land of Edom. And Huram sent to him, by the hand of his servants, ships and servants knowledgeable of the sea. And they went with the servants of Solomon to Ophir, and from there they collected four hundred and fifty talents of gold and brought it to King Solomon.

1 Kings 10:11-12

Moreover, the fleet of ships of Hiram which carried the gold from Ophir [also] brought from Ophir abundant amounts of almug wood and precious stones. The king made a raised structure for the house of Yahweh and for the house of the king out of the almug wood, as well as lyres and harps for the singers. [This much] almug wood has not come nor been seen [again] up to this day.

2 Chronicles 9:10-11

Moreover the servants of Hiram and the servants of Solomon who brought gold from Ophir brought algum wood and precious stones. And the king made steps for the house of Yahweh and the house of the king, and lyres and harps for the singers [from] the algum wood. And there was not seen [anything] like them before in the land of Judah.

1 Kings 22:48

Jehoshaphat built ships of the Tarshish [type] to go to Ophir for the gold; but he did not go because the ships were destroyed at Ezion-Geber.

2 Chronicles 20:35-37

And afterward Jehoshaphat the king of Judah joined with Ahaziah the king of Israel, who acted wickedly. He joined with him to build ships to go to Tarshish. And they built the ships in Ezion Geber. Then Eliezer the son of Dodavahu of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, saying, "Because of your joining with Ahaziah, Yahweh will break down your works." And the ships were destroyed and were not able to go to Tarshish.

Psalm 107:23

[Those who] went down to the sea into ships, doing business on [the] {high seas},

Isaiah 23:2-3

Be still, inhabitants of [the] coast, merchant of Sidon, who travels over [the] sea, they filled you. And on [the] great waters [is] the seed of Shihor, the harvest of the Nile [is] its produce, and she was [the] merchandise of [the] nations.

Ezekiel 27:25

The ships of Tarshish [were] carrying [for] you your wares, and you were filled, and you became very heavy in [the] heart of [the] seas.

Zephaniah 1:11

The inhabitants of the Mortar shall wail, for all the traders have perished; all who trade with silver have been cut off.

Nehemiah 3:31-32

After him Malkijah, {one of the goldsmiths}, repaired up to the house of the temple servants and the merchants, opposite the Enrollment Gate and up to the upper room of the corner. Between the upper room of the corner to the Sheep Gate the goldsmiths and merchants repaired.

Ezekiel 17:4

He plucked the top of its new plant shoot, and he brought it to the land of Canaan [and] put it in a city of merchants,

Genesis 23:16

Then Abraham listened to Ephron, and Abraham weighed for Ephron the silver that he had named in the hearing of the Hittites: four hundred shekels of silver {at the merchants' current rate}.

Amos 8:4-6

Hear this, those who trample on [the] poor and who annihilate the afflicted of [the] land, saying, "When will the new moon be over, so that we can sell grain? And the Sabbath, so that we can open the grain bins, that we can make [the] ephah small and make [the] shekel large, and can practice deceit [with] a set of scales of deceit? {That we can} buy [the] powerless with silver and [the] poor for the sake of a pair of sandals, and we can sell the waste of the grain?"

Proverbs 31:24

Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants.

Genesis 37:28

Then Midianite traders passed by. And they drew Joseph up and brought [him] up from the pit, and they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty [pieces of] silver. And they brought Joseph to Egypt.

Proverbs 31:18-19

She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle.

From Thematic Bible

Business life » Miscellaneous topics relating to » Merchants

1 Kings 10:15

apart from [that of] the men of the traders and the profits of the traders, and all the kings of the Arabs and the governors of the land.

Genesis 37:25

Then they sat down to eat [some] food. And they lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilead. And their camels were carrying aromatic gum and balm and spices {on the way} to Egypt.

Revelation 18:11

And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargo any more--

Nehemiah 13:20

So the merchants and the sellers of merchandise spent the night outside of Jerusalem once or twice.

Isaiah 23:8

Who has planned this against Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose merchants [were] princes, her traders [the] honored ones of [the] earth?

Commerce » Persons engaged in, called » Merchants

Genesis 37:28

Then Midianite traders passed by. And they drew Joseph up and brought [him] up from the pit, and they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty [pieces of] silver. And they brought Joseph to Egypt.

Proverbs 31:24

Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants.

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