7 Bible Verses about Salvation, Boasting Impossible

Most Relevant Verses

Ephesians 2:8-9

For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is God's gift, and is not on the ground of merit-- so that it may be impossible for any one to boast.

Romans 3:27

Where then is there room for your boasting? It is for ever shut out. On what principle? On the ground of merit? No, but on the ground of faith.

Romans 4:2-4

For if he was held to be righteous on the ground of his actions, he has something to boast of; but not in the presence of God. For what says the Scripture? "And Abraham believed God, and this was placed to his credit as righteousness." But in the case of a man who works, pay is not reckoned a favour but a debt;

Romans 11:6

But if it is in His grace that He has selected them, then His choice is no longer determined by human actions. Otherwise grace would be grace no longer.

2 Corinthians 10:17

But "whoever boasts, let his boast be in the Lord."

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