10 Bible Verses about Seeking For Concrete Things

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 13:45

Again, the heavenly kingdom is like a merchant-man, who is in quest of curious pearls:

Luke 12:30

for it is enough that the Gentiles are so concern'd about these things: as for you, your father is acquainted with all your wants.

Luke 13:6

He proposed likewise this parable: a certain man had a fig-tree planted in his vineyard, and he came expecting it should have had fruit, but he found none.

Luke 13:7

then he said to the vine-dresser, you see, I have been looking these three years for fruit from this fig-tree, but find none: hew it down, why should it cumber my ground?

Luke 15:4

who of you that has an hundred sheep, will not, upon losing one, leave the ninety nine in the desart, to go after that which is lost, till he finds it?

Luke 15:8

or if a woman, that has ten pieces of money, should lose one of them, will she not light a lamp, sweep the house, and carefully search, till she find it?

John 4:27

Upon this his disciples came, and were surpriz'd at his conversing with the woman: yet none of them said, what did you ask her? or, why do you talk with her?

Hebrews 11:14

for they. that make such a declaration, show plainly that they seek some other country.

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