Parallel Verses

Modern King James verseion

Jehovah keeps the simple; I was brought low, and He helped me.

New American Standard Bible

The Lord preserves the simple;
I was brought low, and He saved me.

King James Version

The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.

Holman Bible

The Lord guards the inexperienced;
I was helpless, and He saved me.

International Standard Version

the LORD watches over the innocent; I was brought low, and he delivered me.

A Conservative Version

LORD preserves the simple. I was brought low, and he saved me.

American Standard Version

Jehovah preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he saved me.


The Lord protects the simple (childlike);
I was brought low [humbled and discouraged], and He saved me.

Bible in Basic English

The Lord keeps the simple; I was made low, and he was my saviour.

Darby Translation

Jehovah keepeth the simple: I was brought low, and he saved me.

Julia Smith Translation

Jehovah watching the simple: I was brought low, and he will save for me.

King James 2000

The LORD preserves the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.

Lexham Expanded Bible

Yahweh watches over [the] simple. I was brought low, but he gave me victory.

Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale

The LORD preserveth the simple; I was brought down in misery and he helped me.

NET Bible

The Lord protects the untrained; I was in serious trouble and he delivered me.

New Heart English Bible

The LORD preserves the simple. I was brought low, and he saved me.

The Emphasized Bible

Yahweh, preserveth the simple, I was brought low, when, to me, he granted salvation.


The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.

World English Bible

Yahweh preserves the simple. I was brought low, and he saved me.

Youngs Literal Translation

A preserver of the simple is Jehovah, I was low, and to me He giveth salvation.


Root Form
The Lord

Usage: 0

Usage: 468

the simple
פּתאי פּתי פּתי 
Usage: 19

Usage: 9

and he helped
Usage: 205

Context Readings

Thanksgiving For God's Deliverance

5 Gracious is Jehovah, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. 6 Jehovah keeps the simple; I was brought low, and He helped me. 7 Return to your rest, O my soul; for Jehovah has dealt bountifully with you.

Cross References

Psalm 19:7

The Law of Jehovah is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of Jehovah is sure, making the simple wise.

Psalm 79:8

O do not remember against us our former sins; let Your tender mercies meet us quickly; for we are brought very low.

Psalm 142:6

Hear my cry; for I am brought very low; deliver me from my pursuers; for they are stronger than I.

Psalm 25:21

Let purity and uprightness keep me; for I wait on You.

Psalm 106:43

Many times He delivered them, but they rebelled in their counsel and sank in their iniquities.

Isaiah 35:8

And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called, The Way of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it. But He shall be with them; the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err in it.

Matthew 11:25

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank You, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the sophisticated and cunning, and revealed them to babes.

Romans 16:19

For your obedience reached to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf, But I would have you truly wise as to good, and simple toward evil.

2 Corinthians 1:12

For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity; not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God; we have had our conduct in the world, and more abundantly toward you.

2 Corinthians 11:3

But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve in his craftiness, so your thoughts should be corrupted from the simplicity due to Christ.

Colossians 3:22

Slaves, obey your masters according to the flesh in all things; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God.

King James Version Public Domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit

American Standard Version Public Domain

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain