2 Timothy 2:8-13 - A Trustworthy Saying

8 Never forget that Jesus Christ has risen from among the dead and is a descendant of David, as is declared in the Good News which I preach. 9 For preaching the Good News I suffer, and am even put in chains, as if I were a criminal: yet the word of God is not imprisoned. 10 For this reason I endure all things for the sake of God's own people; so that they also may obtain salvation--even the salvation which is in Christ Jesus--and with it eternal glory. 11 Faithful is the saying: "If we died with Him, we shall also live with Him; 12 "If we patiently endure pain, we shall also share His Kingship; "If we disown Him, He will also disown us; 13 "And even if *our* faith fails, He remains true--He cannot prove false to Himself."