Luke 12:8-12 - Acknowledgement Of Christ And Persecution Of Disciples

8 And I say unto you - Whosoever shall confess me before men, even the Son of Man, will confess him, before the messengers of God; 9 But, he who denied me before men, shall be denied before the messengers of God. 10 And, whosoever shall say a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but, unto him who, against the Holy Spirit, speaketh profanely, it shall not be forgiven. 11 But, whensoever they shall be bringing you in before the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, do not be anxious how, or whatye shall answer, or what ye shall say; 12 For, the Holy Spirit, shall teach you, in that very hour, what ye ought to say.