Leviticus 16:3-10 - Day Of Atonement Offerings
3 In this shall Aaron come in to the holyplace, with a bullock, the son of a cow, for sin, and a ram for a burnt-offering. 4 The holy linen tunic shall be put on, and the linen drawers shall be upon his flesh, and with a linen girdle shall he be girded, and with a linen turban shall he be wound round: these the holy garments; and he washed his flesh in water and put them on. 5 And from the assembly of the sons of Israel he shall take two he goats of the goats for sin, and one ram for a burnt-offering.
6 And Aaron brought near the bullock of sin, which was to him, and he expiated for himself and for his house. 7 And he took the two he goats and made them stand before Jehovah, at the door of the tent of appointment 8 And Aaron gave lots upon the two he goats; one lot for Jehovah, and one lot for the goat set apart. 9 And Aaron brought the he goat which upon it came up the lot for Jehovah, and he did it for the sin. 10 And the he goat which upon it came up the lot for the goat set apart, shall stand living before Jehovah, to expiate upon him, to send him for a goat set apart to the desert