2 Corinthians 2:5-11 - Forgive And Comfort The Offender

5 But if anyone has hurt anybody's feelings, it is not so much mine, as yours, or at least those of some of you, not to be too hard upon you all. 6 For that individual, this censure by the majority of you is punishment enough, 7 and so you must now turn around and forgive and comfort him, or he may be overwhelmed by his remorse. 8 So I beg you to restore him to his place in your affections. 9 For that is why I wrote you??o find out how you would stand the test, and see if you would obey me absolutely. 10 When you forgive a man, I forgive him too. For anything I had to forgive has been forgiven on your account, and as in the very presence of Christ, 11 to keep Satan from getting the better of us. For we know what he is after.