John 6:60-71 - Many Disciples Desert Jesus

60 Many, of his disciples, therefore, when they heard, said - Hard, is this discourse, - Who can, thereunto, hearken?

61 But Jesus, knowing within himself that his disciples were murmuring concerning this, said unto them - Doth, this, cause, you, to stumble? 62 What then, if ye should view the Son of Man ascending where he was before? -- 63 The spirit, it is, that giveth life, - the flesh, profiteth, nothing: The declarations which, I, have spoken unto you, are, spirit, and, are, life. 64 But there are some from among you, who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who it was would deliver him up; - 65 and he went on to say - For this cause, have I said unto you: No one, can come unto me, except it have been given him, of the Father.

66 Because of this, many from among his disciples, went away back, and, no longer, with him, were walking. 67 Jesus, therefore, said unto the twelve - Are, ye also, wishing to withdraw?

68 Simon Peter answered him - Lord! unto whom, shall we go? Declarations o life age-abiding, thou hast; 69 And, we, have believed, and come to know, - that, thou, art the Holy One of God.

70 Jesus answered them - Did not, I, make choice, of you, the twelve? And yet, from among you, one, is, an adversary. 71 Now he was speaking of Judas, son of Simon Iscariot: for, the same, was about to deliver him up, - one of the twelve.