Matthew 14:34-36 - Many Healed At Gennesaret

Matthew 14:34-36

34 And, going across, they came up the land, into Gennesaret. 35 And, recognizing him, the men of that place, sent out into all that region, and they brought unto him all who were sick; 36 and were beseeching him, that they might, only, touch the border of his mantle, and, as many as touched, were made quite well.

Mark 6:53-56

53 And crossing over unto the land, they came unto Gennesaret, and cast anchor near. 54 And, when they had, come forth, out of the boat, straightway, recognizing him, 55 the people ran round the whole of that country, and began to be carrying round, upon couches, them who were sick, wherever they heard that he was. 56 And, wheresoever he was entering into villages, or into cities, or into hamlets, in the marketplaces, laid they the sick, and were beseeching him, that, only the fringe of his mantle, they might touch, and, as many soever as touched it, were being made well.