Exodus 35:20-29 - The People Bring Their Offerings
20 Then the whole congregation of the people of Israel left Moses. 21 Those who were willing and whose hearts moved them brought their contributions to Jehovah. The gifts were used to construct the tent of meeting, to pay other expenses, and to make the holy clothes. 22 All willing, men and women alike, brought all kinds of gold jewelry: pins, brooches, earrings, signet rings, and pendants. They offered these gifts of gold to Jehovah. 23 Those who had violet, purple, or bright red yarn, fine linen, goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, or fine leather brought them. 24 Those who could give silver or copper brought it as their contribution to Jehovah. Those who had acacia wood that could be used in the construction brought it. 25 All the skilled women brought fine linen thread and thread of blue, purple, and red wool, which they made. 26 They also made thread of goats' hair. 27 The leaders brought different kinds of jewels to be sewn on the special clothes and the breast piece for the high priest. 28 And the spice and the oil for the light, and the holy (anointing) oil and the sweet perfume (balsam oil). 29 The people of Israel, every man and woman whose hearts were willing, gave their offerings freely to Jehovah. This was for the work that Jehovah gave Moses orders to have done.