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Reference: Appii Forum


i.e., "the market of Appius" (Ac 28:15, R.V.), a town on the road, the "Appian Way," from Rome to Brundusium. It was 43 miles from Rome. Here Paul was met by some Roman Christians on his way to the capital. It was natural that they should halt here and wait for him, because from this place there were two ways by which travellers might journey to Rome.

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(Ac 28:15.) A stage 48 miles from Rome, on the Appian Way, the road from Rome to the Bay of Naples. Here Christian brethren from Rome met Paul. Called from Appius Claudius, who constructed this part of the road. The site is still marked by ruins near Treponti.

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Ac 28:15 AV; RV 'The Market of Appius.' See next article.

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Ap'pii For'um

Station on the Appian Way, the main road from Rome to the Bay of Naples, where brethren went to meet Paul though 43 miles from Rome. Ac 28:15. The road was 18 to 22 feet wide, and parts of the ancient paving stones may still be seen. It was constructed by Appius Claudius, hence its name.

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Ap'pii Fo'rum

(market-place of Appius), a well-known station on the Appian Way, the great road which led from Rome to the neighborhood of the Bay of Naples.

Ac 28:15

There is no difficulty in identifying the site with some ruins near Treponti. [THREE TAVERNS]

See Three Taverns

See Taverns, The three

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APPII FORUM, a place about fifty miles from Rome, near the modern town of Piperno on the road to Naples. It probably had its name from the statue of Appius Claudius, a Roman consul, who paved the famous way from Rome to Capua, and whose statue was set up here. To this place some Christians from Rome came to meet St. Paul, Ac 28:15.

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