Probably the ancient topaz of a golden colour. Re 21:20. The Greek word ?????????? occurs in the LXX in Ex 28:20; 36:20 (Ex 39:13); Eze 28:13.
and the fourth row, a chrysolite, and an onyx, and a jasper; enclosed in gold shall they be in their settings.
and the fourth row, a chrysolite, an onyx, and a jasper; mounted in enclosures of gold in their settings.
thou wast in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the diamond, the chrysolite, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the carbuncle, and the emerald, and gold. The workmanship of thy tambours and of thy pipes was in thee: in the day that thou wast created were they prepared.
the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprasus; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst.