Reference: Cnidus
A town and peninsula of Doris in Caria, jutting out from the southwest corner of Asia Minor, between the islands of Rhodes and Cos. It had a fine harbor, and was celebrated for the worship of Venus. Paul passed by it in his voyage to Rome, Ac 27:7.
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a town and harbour on the extreme south-west of the peninsula of Doris in Asia Minor. Paul sailed past it on his voyage to Rome after leaving Myra (Ac 27:7).
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A magnificent city S.W. of Asia Minor, in Caria on the promontory, now cape Crio, projecting between the islands Cos and Rhodes (Ac 21:1). Passed by Paul in sailing from Myra, N. of Rhodes, to Crete. The promontory is what was originally an island, joined to the mainland by an artificial causeway, forming two harbors, one on the N. the other on the S.
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A city of Caria, in S.W. of Asia Minor. It was the dividing point between the S. and W. coasts of Asia Minor, and at this point St. Paul's ship changed its course in the voyage to Rome (Ac 27:7). It contained Jewish inhabitants as early as the 2nd cent. b.c. (1Ma 15:23), and had the rank of a free city.
A. Souter.
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City and seaport on the extreme S.W. corner of Asia Minor. Ac 27:7. The spot is now called Cape Krio.
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(nidus), a city of great consequence, situated at the extreme south west of the peninsula of Asia Minor, on a promontory now called Cape Crio, which projects between the islands of Cos and Rhodes. See
It is now in ruins.