Reference: Hadad
1. An Idumean prince, who defeated the Midianites in the plains of Moab, Ge 36:35; 1Ch 1:16.
2. A second prince of Edom, mentioned in 1Ch 1:51.
3. Another Edomite of the royal family, who fled to Egypt while young, upon David's conquest of Edom, 2Sa 8:14; was well received, and married the queen's sister. After the death of David and Joab, he returned to Edom and made an ineffectual effort to throw off the yoke of Solomon, 1Ki 11:14-22; 2Ch 8:17.
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Adod, brave(?), the name of a Syrian god. (1.) An Edomite king who defeated the Midianites (Ge 36:35; 1Ch 1:46).
(2.) Another Edomite king (1Ch 1:50-51), called also Hadar (Ge 36:39; 1Ch 1:51).
(3.) One of "the king's seed in Edom." He fled into Egypt, where he married the sister of Pharaoh's wife (1Ki 11:14-22). He became one of Solomon's adversaries.
Hadad, sharp, (a different name in Hebrew from the preceding), one of the sons of Ishmael (1Ch 1:30). Called also Hadar (Ge 25:15).
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A name often recurring in the Syrian and Edomite dynasties, meaning the sun; so applied as the official title to the king, as supreme on earth as the sun is in the sky. It appears in Ben-hadad, son, i.e. worshipper, of Hadad; Hadad-ezer, helped by Hadad. It appears as Hadar. (See HADAR.) (Ge 25:15; compare 1Ch 1:30,50). Nicolaus of Damascus (Fragm. 31), friend of Augustus Caesar (Josephus, Ant. 7:5, sec. 2), confirms 2Sa 8:3 as to David's defeating Hadadezer or Hadarezer, king of Zobah, "when he went to recover his border at the river Euphrates"; Nicolaus says, "a certain Hadad, a native Syrian, had great power, ruling over Damascus and all Syria except. Phoenicia (this accords with '/2-Samuel/8/5/type/j2000'>2Sa 8:5, 'the Syrians of Damascus came to support Hadadezer,' being his vassals); he contended against David king of Judea in many battles; in the last, which was by the Euphrates, he suffered defeat (making his third defeat: 2Sa 8:3,5; 10:18), showing himself a prince of the greatest prowess."
1. Son of Ishmael (Ge 25:15). The Attaei, Attene, Chateni, on W. of Persian gulf, seem his descendants (Ptol. 6:7, section 15; Plin. 6:32). Hadad, a mountain belonging to TEMA on the borders of the Syrian desert N. of el-Medeenah, corresponds to the dwelling of this tribe.
2. King of Edom; conquered Midian on the field of Moab (Ge 36:35); Avith was his capital. (See AVITH.)
3. King of Edom (Pan was his capital: Ge 36:39); probably living when Moses wrote, for Moses does not record his death as he does that of his predecessors; last of the kings. In the later written 1Ch 1:50 Hadad's death is recorded. The dukes that follow were not successors, but hereditary sheikhs who chose one emir or king to preside. Hadad's death does not therefore, as Smith's Bible Dictionary supposes, mark a change to the dukedom. (See EDOM.) "Hadad could hardly have been living after the times of the kings of Israel, to which period those who consider Ge 36:31-43 an interpolation would assign the genealogy" (Speaker's Commentary).
4. Of the royal house of Edom (1Ki 11:14, etc.). In childhood escaped the massacre of every Edomite male by Joab, and fled into Egypt. Pharaoh gave him house, victuals, and land, and his wife Tahpenes the queen's sister in marriage, who bore him Genubath. At David's death, in spite of Pharaoh's entreaties he left Egypt for his own country. The Septuagint read Edom for Aram (Syria), 1Ki 11:25, thus making Hadad succeed in his attempt to regain rule over Edom, from whence he harassed Israel; but the Septuagint omits all as to Rezon, so that its authority is worth little here. Josephus (Ant. 8:7, section 6) reads as KJV; Hadad thus having failed to recover Edom joined Rezon in assailing Israel and received from him a portion of Syria; "he reigned over Syria" refers to Rezon, and is a repetition of verse 24.
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1. The name of a Semitic divinity (also written Adad, and Dadda for Ad
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1. Son of Bedad and king of Edom. Ge 36:35-36; 1Ch 1:46-47.
2. An Edomite of the royal family. When a child he was carried into Egypt: Pharaoh eventually gave him his sister-in-law as wife. On the death of David he returned to his own country, and, being stirred up by God, was an enemy and did mischief to Solomon. 1 Kings 11:14-22.
3. Son of Ishmael. 1Ch 1:30. Called HADAR in Ge 25:15.
4. King of Edom who succeeded Baal-hanan. 1Ch 1:50-51. Called HADAR in Ge 36:39. Apparently 'Hadad' was a title of the kings of Edom rather than a name.
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(mighty), originally the indigenous appellation of the sun among the Syrians, and thence transferred to the king as the highest of earthly authorities. The title appears to have been an official one, like Pharaoh. It is found occasionally in the altered form Hadar.
1. Son of Ishmael.
2. A king of Edom who gained an important victory over the Midianites on the field of Moab.
3. Also a king of Edom, with Pau for his capital.
4. A member of the royal house Or Edom.
ff. In his childhood he escaped the massacre under Joab, and fled with a band of followers into Egypt. Pharaoh, the predecessor of Solomon's father-in-law, treated him kindly, and gave him his sister-in-law in marriage. After David's death Hadad resolved to attempt the recovery of his dominion. He left Egypt and returned to his own country.
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HADAD, son of the king of East Edom, was carried into Egypt by his father's servants, when Joab, general of David's troops, extirpated the males of Edom. Hadad was then a child. The king of Egypt gave him a house, lands, and every necessary subsistence, and married him to the sister of Tahpenes, his queen. By her he had a son, named Genubath, whom Queen Tahpenes educated in Pharaoh's house with the king's children. Hadad being informed that David was dead, and that Joab was killed, desired leave to return into his own country. Pharaoh wished to detain him, but at last permitted his return to Edom. Here he began to raise disturbances against Solomon; but the Scripture does not mention particulars. Josephus says, that Hadad did not return to Edom till long after the death of David, when Solomon's affairs began to decline, by reason of his impieties. He also observes, that, not being able to engage the Edomites to revolt, because of the strong garrisons which Solomon had placed there, Hadad got together such people as were willing, and carried them to Razon, then in rebellion against Hadadezer, king of Syria. Razon received Hadad with joy, and assisted him in conquering part of Syria, where he reigned, and from whence he insulted Solomon's territories.