2 occurrences in 2 dictionaries
Reference: Palestina
Palesti'na Palestine. Pal'estine
The Hebrew word, Pelesheth, occurs but four times, and did not allude to the whole of the land of Canaan, as the name Palestine is now applied; but was restricted to part of the coast of the Mediterranean, occupied by the Philistines. In Ex 15:14-15, Palestina, Edom, and Moab are mentioned, and then 'all the inhabitants of Canaan.' In Joe 3:4, Tyre and Sidon are not included in the term. In these passages, and in Isa 14:29,31, it is usual now to translate the word PHILISTIA (as in the R.V.), the Hebrew being the same as in Ps 60:8; 87:4; 108:9. See CANAAN and SYRIA.