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But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which comes forth from God, that we may realize the blessings freely given us by God.

Only whatever be the lot in life to which God has assigned each one??nd whatever the condition in which he was living when God called him??n that let him continue. Such is the rule I give in all the churches.

I have no command from the Lord to give you concerning unmarried women; but I give you my opinion, and it is that of a man who, through the Lord's mercy, is deserving of your confidence.

So he that gives his daughter in marriage is doing right, and he who keeps her unmarried will be doing right, and he who keeps her unmarried will be doing better.

Are we the only ones, Barnabas and I, who have no right to give up manual labor?

For if lifeless instruments such as the flute or the harp give no distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is fluted or harped?

Or, for example, if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, what soldier will be prepared for battle?

But God gives it what body he pleases, and to each kind of seed its own body.