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In reality, we writ nothing to you, but what you may perceive by the reading, and I trust you ever will perceive.

for what I, and Timothy, and Silvanus preached concerning Jesus Christ, the son of God, is not inconsistent, but invariably the same.

not that I would arbitrarily prescribe what you should believe, but rather encourage you to go on: for 'tis by faith you have stood.

in honour and disgrace, under infamy, and in repute: look'd upon as an impostor, while I say what is true;

'tis observable, even this religious sorrow which you had, what solicitude has it not wrought in you, what apologies, what indignation, what fear, what desire, what zeal, yea, what revenge! so that by your whole conduct, ye have shown your selves to be clear from guilt in this matter.

for what a man gives with a ready mind, according to his abilities, is well received; but not when he goes beyond his circumstances.

if he that is come to you, preaches another Jesus whom I have not preached, or if ye receive other gifts of the spirit, than what ye have received from me, or another gospel, than what you have accepted, you might well bear with his pretensions:

what I say, I say it not as an apostle, but as it were to indulge my vanity in this matter of boasting.

tho' if I had a mind to glory, I might do it without vanity, for I should say nothing but what is true: but now I forbear, lest any man should ascribe more to me than my actions, or my preaching can justify.

for in what were ye inferior to other churches, except it be that I myself was not burdensome to you? an injury I hope you will easily forgive.

what, did I make a gain of you by any body I sent to you?

I am therefore glad when I am disarm'd by the strength of your integrity: and this is what I pray for, even your perfection.