Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Paul looked straight at the Council and said, "Brothers, with a clear conscience I have done my duty before God up to this very day." Then the high priest Ananias ordered the men standing near him to strike him on the mouth. At this Paul told him, "God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! How can you sit there and judge me according to the Law, and yet in violation of the Law order me to be struck?" read more.
The men standing near him asked, "Do you mean to insult God's high priest?" Paul answered, "I didn't realize, brothers, that he is the high priest. After all, it is written, "You must not speak evil about a ruler of your people.'" When Paul saw that some of them were Sadducees and others were Pharisees, he shouted in the Council, "Brothers, I'm a Pharisee and a descendant of Pharisees. I'm on trial concerning the hope that the dead will be resurrected."

When the governor motioned for Paul to speak, he replied: "Since I know that you have been a judge over this nation for many years, I am pleased to present my defense. You can verify for yourself that I went up to worship in Jerusalem no more than twelve days ago. They never found me debating with anyone in the Temple or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or throughout the city, read more.
and they cannot prove to you the charges they are now bringing against me. However, I admit to you that in accordance with the Way, which they call a heresy, I worship the God of our ancestors and believe in everything written in the Law and the Prophets. I have the same hope in God that they themselves cherish that there is to be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked. Therefore, I always do my best to have a clear conscience before God and people. After many years, I have come back to my people to bring gifts for the poor and to offer sacrifices. They found me in the Temple doing these things just as I had completed the purification ceremony. No crowd or noisy mob was present. But some Jews from Asia were there, and they should be here before you to accuse me if they have anything against me. Otherwise, these men themselves should tell what wrong they found when I stood before the Council unless it is for the one thing I shouted as I stood among them: "It is for the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.'"

Then Agrippa told Paul, "You have permission to speak for yourself." So Paul stretched out his hand and began his defense. "I consider myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, that I can defend myself today against all the accusations of the Jewish leaders, since you are especially familiar with all the Jewish customs and controversies. I beg you, therefore, to listen patiently to me. read more.
All the Jews know how I lived from the earliest days of my youth with my own people and in Jerusalem. They have known for a long time, if they would but testify to it, that I lived as a Pharisee, adhering to the standards of our strictest religious party. "And now I stand here on trial for the hope of the promise made by God to our ancestors. Our twelve tribes, worshiping day and night with intense devotion, hope to attain it. It is because of this hope, O King, that I am accused by the Jews. Why is it thought incredible by all of you that God should raise the dead? Indeed, I myself thought it my duty to take extreme measures against the name of Jesus from Nazareth. That is what I did in Jerusalem. I received authority from the high priests and locked many of the saints in prison. And when I cast my vote against them, they were put to death. I would even punish them frequently in every synagogue and try to make them blaspheme. Raging furiously against them, I would hunt them down even in distant cities. "That is how I happened to be traveling to Damascus with authority based on a commission from the high priests. On the road at noon, O King, I saw a light from heaven that was brighter than the sun. It flashed around me and those who were traveling with me. "All of us fell to the ground, and I heard a voice asking me in the Hebrew language, "Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me? It is hurting you to keep on kicking against the cattle prods.' "I asked, "Who are you, Lord?' "The Lord answered, "I'm Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But get up and stand on your feet, because I've appeared to you for the very purpose of appointing you to be my servant and witness of what you've seen and of what I'll show you. I'll continue to rescue you from your people and from the gentiles to whom I'm sending you. You will help them understand and turn them from darkness to light and from Satan's control to God, so that their sins will be forgiven and they will receive a share among those who are sanctified by faith in me.' "And so, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. Instead, I first told the people in Damascus and Jerusalem, then all the people in Judea and after that the gentiles to repent, turn to God, and perform deeds that are consistent with such repentance. For this reason the Jewish leaders grabbed me in the Temple and kept trying to kill me. I've had help from God to this day, and so I stand here to testify to both the powerful and the lowly alike, stating only what the prophets and Moses said would happen that the Messiah would suffer and be the first to rise from the dead and would bring light both to our people and to the gentiles."

"I consider myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, that I can defend myself today against all the accusations of the Jewish leaders, since you are especially familiar with all the Jewish customs and controversies. I beg you, therefore, to listen patiently to me.

Then he provided him with a chariot as his second-in-command, outfitted with a group of people who shouted out in front of him, "Bow your knees!" And that's how Pharaoh set Joseph over the entire land of Egypt. Verse ConceptsChariotsSalutationsBowing Before JosephAuthority Delegated To People

Then Samuel told all the people, "Do you see the man whom the LORD has chosen? For there is no one like him among all the people." Then all the people shouted, "Long live the king!" Verse ConceptsVoicesGroups ShoutingUnique Individuals

So the king returned to Israel as far as the Jordan River.

The following day, Solomon sent the people away as they blessed the king. Then they went back to their tents, rejoicing and glad for all the good things that the LORD had done for his servant David and to his people Israel. Verse ConceptsHappinessDay 8Rejoicing In God's Works

They told King Nebuchadnezzar, "Your majesty, live forever.

"I consider myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, that I can defend myself today against all the accusations of the Jewish leaders, Verse ConceptsRejoicing In ProsperityMan DefendingChanging Yourself

Then he provided him with a chariot as his second-in-command, outfitted with a group of people who shouted out in front of him, "Bow your knees!" And that's how Pharaoh set Joseph over the entire land of Egypt. Verse ConceptsChariotsSalutationsBowing Before JosephAuthority Delegated To People

Then Samuel told all the people, "Do you see the man whom the LORD has chosen? For there is no one like him among all the people." Then all the people shouted, "Long live the king!" Verse ConceptsVoicesGroups ShoutingUnique Individuals

So the king returned to Israel as far as the Jordan River.

The following day, Solomon sent the people away as they blessed the king. Then they went back to their tents, rejoicing and glad for all the good things that the LORD had done for his servant David and to his people Israel. Verse ConceptsHappinessDay 8Rejoicing In God's Works

They told King Nebuchadnezzar, "Your majesty, live forever.

"I consider myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, that I can defend myself today against all the accusations of the Jewish leaders, Verse ConceptsRejoicing In ProsperityMan DefendingChanging Yourself

Then he provided him with a chariot as his second-in-command, outfitted with a group of people who shouted out in front of him, "Bow your knees!" And that's how Pharaoh set Joseph over the entire land of Egypt. Verse ConceptsChariotsSalutationsBowing Before JosephAuthority Delegated To People

Then Samuel told all the people, "Do you see the man whom the LORD has chosen? For there is no one like him among all the people." Then all the people shouted, "Long live the king!" Verse ConceptsVoicesGroups ShoutingUnique Individuals

So the king returned to Israel as far as the Jordan River.

The following day, Solomon sent the people away as they blessed the king. Then they went back to their tents, rejoicing and glad for all the good things that the LORD had done for his servant David and to his people Israel. Verse ConceptsHappinessDay 8Rejoicing In God's Works

They told King Nebuchadnezzar, "Your majesty, live forever.

"I consider myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, that I can defend myself today against all the accusations of the Jewish leaders, Verse ConceptsRejoicing In ProsperityMan DefendingChanging Yourself